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Eberhard Sinner: “Climate for culture” is much more than an EC project.

It is a call to action. All of us are challenged to support the conservation of our cultural heritage and to create new cultural values in a continuing process.

Opening Ceremony of EC project "Climate for Culture" im Rubens Saal der Alten Pinakothek in München.


The CLIMATE FOR CULTURE project will thus be able to estimate more systematically the damage potential of climate change on European cultural heritage under different climate change scenarios at regional scale. The team will consist of 30 multidisciplinary partners from all over Europe and Egypt including  the world's leading institutes and experts both in climate modelling and in whole building simulation. One team partner is a member of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and four partners are members of the standardization body CEN TC 346 (Conservation of Cultural Property). Building on the tremendous expertise of its partners and advisors, CLIMATE FOR CULTURE can offer innovative and concrete  scientific results which will be effectively transferred to both business and political communities.

To raise the awareness of the decision makers what it costs to take actions and what it costs, if we do not take actions to protect cultural heritage the economic impacts and physical risks to European cultural heritage will be identified. To ensure that the results from this project are brought to the attention of policy- and decision-makers, a "Political Dissemination Board" will be established, consisting of members of the European Parliament, National Ministries and other representatives.



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