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Lernen von Obama

What you did this week
So handelt und kommuniziert Obama, was machen wir?



Organizing for America

Eberhard --

OFA's Wall Street Reform Day of Action was a huge success -- thanks to


From folks advocating reform on Wall Street in Manhattan, to those

calling their neighbors in Ohio, to senators' offices getting calls from

across the country, thousands of OFA supporters in every state spoke

out with one voice to demand change.

In Greenville, South Carolina, the headline yesterday was about the 50

OFA supporters who attended a "rally to demand Wall Street reforms."

And the Indiana News Center led with "Local Hoosiers 'Call' For Wall Street


Even better? The stories we got from participants.

Trisha, in Columbus, Wisconsin, called an elderly neighbor. As she tells it,

 "I asked him if he'd ever contacted a member of Congress. He said 'no'

he hadn't. Then after a short pause he said, 'Well, just what was that

number? I guess there's a first time for everything. I'll make that call!'"

After meeting in front of the library in Branigan, New Mexico, Evelyn --

an OFA Neighborhood Team Leader -- said that she and other volunteers "

talked to people passing by about the importance of standing up to the

power brokers and the lobbyists and the big banks. What I love the most

is when you really get to have a conversation and inform someone about

 what's really going on -- they are so appreciative of getting

straight-forward information."

And at an event on Wall Street itself, a volunteer named Erin said that "I

am here today to stand up for the everyday people who work and raise

families and don't want to have their lives disrupted as a result of Wall

Street's reckless practices."


Everything you did this week made a difference. That's why Wall Street

reform legislation is picking up steam -- there could even be final votes

as early as next week.

We'll be in touch soon with more ways you can help push reform through

the final stretch.

Thanks for all you do,


Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Great news: Yesterday, we found out that the economy added

290,000 jobs in April -- more than it has in four years. We've got a long

way to go, but it's one more sign that we're moving in the right direction.

Check out this chart we put together to show how the Obama

administration is turning things around:

Check out how the Administration is turning things around



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